søndag den 25. juli 2010

Round 2 of the German iXS

2. round of the German iXS cup in Rittershausen

The 2. round of the german iXS cup was in Rittershausen. The track is steep at some places and very rutted. It is a good allround track with some pedaling at the top, and teknical riding at the bottom. I think the hole team was looking forward to the race in Rittershausen after the track walk.


The practise Friday was really fun, the track was very dry and fast. We were finding some new lines as the track was strating to get a bit rougher. The practise ended on at good note, so we had something to look forward to the Saturday.


Saturday started early, with practise from 8 am. It was going to be about 38 degrees Saturday, so we wanted to get up early and do some runs, before it got really hot. After 3-4 runs we desided to stop and chill out in the lake before our seeding run.

Seeding went really bad for Bo and I, Bo crashed two times and i crashed one time, we ended up in the lower half in the seeding. We were both strugling with the heat, and therefore we just needed to get down, in a okay time, without getting really hurt. We desided to put the seeding result behind us an focus on the race Sunday.


Sunday we headed up for practise, focusing on hitting our lines smooth, and getting confortable with the track getting more and more rutted up. We got some good stable runs and rode down to the lake to cool off.

Bo and I seeded with only two riders between us, so we took the shuttel up toghter. Bo was going to start before me. Unfurtnutly Bo got in to his pedaling mode and got excited and rode into a tree, but came down about 25 sekunds faster then his seeding. Now it was up to me to get in a good run. I hit all my lines in the top and middel sektion, so I was feeling confident, that could push abit hard on the last steep seltion, but then I blew both my feet in a steep corner and had a little off, but came down to the finish 1 sek. Faster than I wanted, so it was good.

After the race we headed to Willingen, which is one of our favorit tracks, because of the jumps. I rode some new lines, which was cool, now the only jump I have´nt ridden is the WC hip. Bo blew up his rear wheel, so he was out for the rest of the day. We rode there for a half day, before we sat in the car on the way home to Denmark.

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